Sindh governor speaks.

KARACHI: Sindh Governor Kamran Khan Tessori has said that air conditioned marquee is in final stages of construction and it would house information technology students of entrance test and classes till the time construction of convention centre at the Governor House.

He said this while addressing a press conference at the marquee at gate number 4, according to a press release on Tuesday. IT experts Sir Zia Khan and Daniyal Nagori, JDC Head Zafar Abbas and IT Consultant of Governor House Muzzammil Ather were also present on the occasion.

Sindh governor said that media have been invited to witness the progress of construction of marquee and to inform the doubters that initiative of IT training of 50,000 youths was not a false claim but it is a promise which soon would become a reality. The overwhelming response from youth for registration on website is very encouraging where as many as 250,000 youth have registered themselves for entrance test, he added.

Tessori said that 400 computers would be installed in this marquee where Sir Zia Khan and his team would start classes after selection of youth based on entrance test.

“I am also very thankful to Sir Zia and Daniyal Nagori for extending their services free of cost for this vital initiative,” he said.

“We want to show that our promise would be fulfilled at all costs. There, courses are not from any charity amount but from philanthropists who are participating in this programme,” he said.

He said for the first time in the history of the country such a big marquee is being erected for education purpose as before no such arrangements were made for a political gathering or any entertainment event. People were used to come there, raise slogan and go home without any gain, he observed.

The governor said that at the time when IT training programme was announced, some quarters raised objections claiming that it is un-implementable. But as the doors of the Governor House were opened for Iftar during Ramazan the IT training would soon become a reality, he said.

He also lauded support of Saylani’s Moulana Bashir Farooqui and JDC’s Zafar Abbas and said that their input would make this endeavour a resounding success.



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