• 10 June 2023
  • Gohar Ali Khan
  • 1

By Gohar Ali Khan

HYDERABAD: Deputy High Commissioner of Bangladesh to Karachi S M Mehboob Al Alam said that Pakistan and Bangladesh have brotherly relations and it is a great opportunity for him to address the business community of Hyderabad.

He said there are more than 20 agreements including trade, cultural, social, civil aviation and others between Pakistan and Bangladesh. Bangladesh is the eighth largest population in the world with a literacy rate of more than 80 per cent due to free scholarships and facilities for students.

Responding to Hyderabad Chamber of Small Traders and Small Industry (HCSTSI) president Farooq Shaikhani about facilitating the visa process for businessmen, he said that he would personally write a letter to the Bangladesh ministry of foreign affairs for the issuance of visas to the business community of Hyderabad and the visas would be issued as soon as possible so that businesspeople of Hyderabad can participate in trade and exhibitions in Bangladesh.

He invited the delegation of Hyderabad Chamber of Small Traders and Small Industry to visit the Bangladesh High Commission in Karachi and said Bangladesh is a global market that the businessmen can take full advantage of.

He said that the annual export of Bangladesh is US $50 billion, which will increase to US $100 billion by 2030, this is mainly because of ready-made garments. Bangladesh is the second largest exporter of ready-made garments in the world. In addition, Bangladesh consumes 97 per cent of its pharmaceutical products domestically and exports it to more than 120 countries.

He said that the people of Pakistan and Bangladesh have the ability to do a lot of mutual work, if both countries help each other in economic development, they can get the best position in the Asian market.

Earlier, President Muhammad Farooq Shaikhani said that Pakistan and Bangladesh can support their respective economies in the best way by introducing their products in the markets in view of their different geographical conditions because the industrial development of Bangladesh is remarkable, especially the microfinance and microcredit policy of Dr Younis. More than 10 million women are doing independent business today through such policy.

He said that Bangladesh’s training of its youth in the IT sector, manufacturing of ships, manufacturing of industrial robots and establishment of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Shilpa Nagar Industrial Zone have played an important role in the development of Bangladesh.

He said that Bengal industry of Hyderabad has a remarkable place in the world. The products of this industry should be given access to Bangladeshi markets as Bengal is a fundamental part of Bangladeshi culture. Apart from this, Pakistan has a prominent position in exporting rice in the world. It should also be given a place in the markets of Bangladesh. Along with this, there should be an exchange of trade and political delegations between the two countries.

On this occasion, vice president Dr Muhammad Ismail Farouk Nami, former vice chairman Abad Qamar Memon, members of the executive committee Usman Memon, Kashif Sheikh, Farhan Iqbal and convener diplomatic affairs sub-committee Muhammad Al Nasir and others also questioned the envoy. Bangladesh High Commissioner Coordinator Mushtaq Ahmed, former presidents Daulat Ram Lohana, Salimuddin Qureshi, Muhammad Akram Ansari, event management sub-committee convener Muhammad Yasin Khalji, Sikandar Ali Rajput, Muhammad Idris Memon, Kishore Kumar Bhatia, Aslam Bavani, Sheikh Ghulam Rasool, Syed Faraz Ali Shah, Umar Farooq Shekhani and others were present.

Hyderabad Chamber of Small Traders and Small Industry (HCSTSI) has been formed to promote small traders and industry and fight for rights of local businesspeople. It ensures facilities to traders and industrialists so that they can develop their industries and businesses while making full use of all opportunities where foreign investors and envoys are frequently invited to give awareness about local businesses and industries.

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