By Syed Wahaj Ahmed
The Employers Federation of Pakistan (EFP) has launched a code of conduct for employers of domestic workers in a tripartite meeting, attended by more than 100 representatives from Pakistan Workers Federation (PWF), Sindh Labour Department, International Labour Organisation (ILO) and civil society organisations.
Addressing the launching ceremony held a local hotel the other day, Shariq Ahmed, Secretary Labor and Human Resource Development Department Sindh, stated that the code of conduct will help promote decent working conditions and protect the rights of domestic workers. Domestic workers, who represent a large portion of the informal economy, are deprived of their fundamental rights and face numerous challenges, including low wages, poor working conditions, harassment, and various forms of abuse. He appreciated the efforts and commitments of EFP in promoting decent work for all and stated that the code will provide the basis for legislation on domestic workers in Sindh.
Geir Tonstol, Country Director of ILO Pakistan Office, highlighted the importance of ILO and its normative framework in promoting decent work globally, in coordination with its tripartite constituents. He emphasised that implementing the fundamental principles and rights at work and other ILO Conventions like Convention 189 will pave the way for promoting decent work for domestic workers. He acknowledged the national laws for domestic workers and stated that laws and their implementation go hand in hand. Geir also appreciated the EFP for taking the initiative to develop a code of conduct for the employers of domestic workers in Sindh and expressed hope that this code of conduct would serve as a guideline to initiate discussions and lead to the formulation of a law for domestic workers in Sindh. He reiterated the ILO’s technical support to its tripartite constituents in promoting decent work for all in Pakistan, including domestic workers.
Feroz Alam, Vice President of EFP, welcomed the participants, stating that the EFP is at the forefront of promoting fundamental principles and rights at work to realise decent work for all.
“Domestic workers are an integral part of our lives, taking care of our children and helping us manage our household responsibilities. Therefore, it is our responsibility to give them respect and provide them with good working conditions,” he said. He pointed out that domestic workers are an important source of employment for those with low education levels, particularly females, and emphasised the need to regulate their employment and working conditions. He stated that the code of conduct will help bring behavioral changes and recognition to domestic workers.
Majyd Aziz, Former President of EFP, stated that the EFP is fully committed to promoting compliance with international standards and social justice to create an inclusive, equitable, and prosperous society. He pledged and committed to providing decent working conditions to workers in his house and businesses, urging all present at the ceremony, particularly members of EFP, to treat their housemaids with respect and dignity.
Aya Matsuura, ILO Gender Specialist, appreciated EFP’s initiatives, stated that this will provide the basis for recognition of the rights of domestic workers. She pointed out that Convention 189 related to domestic workers provides the same rights to domestic workers as available to other workers, including minimum wage and working conditions.
Rao Zahid, Deputy Secretary, Labour Department, Government of Punjab, made a detailed presentation on the Punjab Domestic Workers Act and also shared some of the challenges they are facing and its implementation, particularly the coverage of domestic workers under the Social Security Scheme and monitoring materials.
Waqar Memon, Secretary General of PWF, appreciated EFP efforts, stated that it is a step in the right direction for providing and recognising the rights of domestic workers. He also emphasised the need to formulate laws for protecting the rights of domestic workers in Sindh.
Syed Nazar Ali, Secretary General of EFP, highlighted the salient features of the code of conduct, which has been developed with the support of ILO and in consultation with all stakeholders, to foster decent working conditions for domestic workers. The code is a voluntary tool and offers guidance to employers of domestic workers on the terms of employment to uphold equitable practices and positive working relationships.
Earlier, Razi Haider, project coordinator, briefed about the contribution and achievements of the project.