By Syed Wahaj Ahmed

The first Pakistani, Mehboob Shar, has been named in the Google featured list of Top SEO Experts in The World.  There are only 25 SEO experts’ names in this list by Google across the world. This is for the first time in the history of the country that a Pakistani is recognised as one of the top 25 SEO experts in the world.

There are over 1 million SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) experts in the world and Shar is only [one] Pakistani out of 25 top SEO experts in the worldwide list of Google.

Pakistan IT Industry Association (P@SHA) Chairman Muhammad Zohaib Khan said this is really a positive trend and SEO is a vast industry. If he (Mehboob Shar) imparts training to SEO enthusiasts to become SEO experts, many such experts can play their role in enhancing IT exports. It is really an honour for the country.

Top SEO Expert Mehboob Shar, who is also now Founder and CEO of Icreativez Technologies, has hailed from a small and impoverished area, Loung Khan Keerio Village, Shaheed Benazirabad district where he is brought up in a lower-middle-class family. He is always eager and fond of learning and hardwork since his childhood. After getting his education in government institutions, he is eager to get higher education and he succeeds in seeking an admission to four-year BS IT programme of the Quaid-e-Awam University of Engineering, Science and Technology Nawabshah, Sindh.

He enthusiastically studied there, but he is already a bit of tight budget and unable to pay the last two years fees of the four-year programmes. This is a public university policy to promote students to the next term/semester, if the student passes subjects without payment of fees, but public universities do not award a degree to students until they pay full fees to the varsity.

To cut a long story short, he passed out in 2008 without a degree of the varsity. He faced multiple problems for want of the degree to secure a suitable job as degree-based jobs were offered around 10 years back, but there is now a major shift of this trend that skill-based jobs are being offered in the market-cum-field.

After all, he got a small job from a US-based company, Stratesfy Inc in Karachi as a junior software engineer and did it for a few years. Then he jumped at far better job in Islamabad where he nipped down, did it, sojourned for a year and went back to Karachi by quitting it.

This time he has procured a wealth of experience and is eager to initiate his own startup. He opened a startup while doing a private job, but he got some local projects including auditing of running softwares of local companies including Express Media Group and others. The IT set-up cannot be run with the small income of local projects as IT professionals have higher salaries.

Top SEO Expert Mehboob Shar


“I explored the digital marketing and found the way more powerful tool SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) and knuckled down to do a lot of work on this tool (SEO) and got expertise on it to drag my own website to one of the top ranking sites of the world.

My name is included in the Google featured list of Top SEO Experts in The World recently, then more new avenues are open to my business.

Moreover, after searching and gazing at my profile on Google and LinkedIn, a gift flower company of Netherland awarded the first project to work on enhancing ranking of the company and sent $3,000 for the consultation charges per month. That was a turning point in my startup business a couple of years back, then I have started taking back to back projects and now I bristled with around 60 staff having qualification from the matriculation pass to PhD scholars at my company as all are skill-based jobs and there is no need for a degree. I am working in almost 17 countries, including USA, UK, Australia, Canada, UAE, Estonia and the like. I gave consultancy to one of the leading e-mart/stores in India. I also keep giving consultancy to Zoom company from time to time.

My 16-year journey spreads from nadir of my career to a growing startup company.  I started this startup eight years back, I mainly focus on SEO expertise for three years and win laurels,” Shar said.

After around 16-year passing-out, he is awarded the degree recently:

“Once I have heard and watched at some TV channel that Shar could not yet have received his degree for want of two-year fee payment, I invited him to lunch in the varsity recently to award the degree in appreciation for his worldwide services as Shar who is one of our shining stars has an astonishing command over knowledge, long dedication and devotion to hard work and honesty.

What’s more, he has also announced that he would give a donation worth Rs10 million for computer lab, smart classes and other projects. He has also offered internship to the varsity students,” Quaid-e-Awam University of Engineering, Science and Technology Nawabshah Sindh Vice Chancellor Prof Dr Saleem Raza Samo said.

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