• 7 July 2023
  • Syed Wahaj Ahmed
  • 2

By Syed Wahaj Ahmed

HYDERABAD: Agricultural experts have stressed need for scaling up per acre yield of agricultural land of the low production areas of Sindh and Balochistan through an exchange technical support, while offering a technical support to Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries in the domestic agriculture.

Moreover, it is aimed to bolster up and create investment opportunities for the GCC countries. The Sindh Agriculture University (SAU) has offered a technical support with a view to creating investment opportunities for GCC countries in domestic agriculture especially in Sindh and adjacent areas of Balochistan including Jhal Magsi.

SAU VC Dr Fateh Marri

“I propose that we should develop relations on all levels including technical, bureaucratic, research, development, trade and the like so that both the side can make better use of opportunities and expertise. Secondly, we should focus on 6 million hectare barren land of the country which is lying waste mostly in Balochistan and Sindh, while some chunks are also there in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) and Punjab. This wasteland is cultivable but could not yet be irrigated for want of water,” SAU Vice Chancellor Dr Fateh Marri said this while talking to Newstaj.

He said that the GCC countries have also state-of-the-art technology in this respect, if technology is imported, it will raise this neglected land, bring about prosperity to locals and Pakistan can also boost the one-third additional production through these strategies with the passage of time.

“We can knuckle down to some mutual works. Both Pak and GCC countries call for expertise on both sides to take an advantage on the long term partnership which will benefit both of us. The technical support and expertise of the SAU can be deployed efficiently in this sector,” he said.

A team comprising experts from the SAU and Sindh Agriculture Research visited various lands of Sindh and Balochistan to improve the productivity of low-yielding agricultural lands in different areas of Sindh and Balochistan, and the report containing its recommendations and suggestions has been submitted to the SAU vice chancellor.

A seven-member team, led by SAU Dean Faculty of Crop Production Dr Inayatullah Rajper, based on experts from University and Agricultural Research Sindh visited various agricultural farms of Sindh and Balochistan near Jhal Magsi, where they reviewed the agricultural performance including soil and water, availability of land and water resources, climatic conditions.

The experts discussed proper planning of water in the fields, selection of crops based on land efficiency, use of modern technology, use of certified seeds, fertilizers, availability of soil and water resources and other issues.

They shared details about declaring the agricultural lands of such areas suitable for organic cotton cultivation, better agricultural management through the appointment of agricultural graduates in such agricultural farms and increasing the efficiency of agricultural farms and benefiting from the experience of experts.

“There are opportunities for investments in the agriculture sector in these areas for foreign countries, especially Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) member countries,” VC Dr Fateh Marri said.

He said that he has sent a letter to Prof Ahsan Iqbal Chaudhary Minister for Planning, Development & Special Initiatives and Chair, Executive Committee, Special Investment Facilitation Council’ (SIFC), and informed him about the available opportunities for the GCC countries to invest in this sector in the areas of Sindh and Balochistan.

He said that for the investment of the GCC countries, the Sindh Agriculture University will offer their technical expertise to develop crop improvement and seed technology, accuracy and bio-salts, barren, organic agriculture, water management and irrigation efficiency, livestock production, halal products, crops post management and value addition.

He said agriculture experts and universities of Pakistan, including Sindh Agriculture University, Tandojam, stand ready to offer their support and resources towards the success of the government’s initiative. Their expertise and infrastructure can contribute significantly to research, training, and capacity building efforts.

The VC said that various plans will be made in this regard in Sindh and high-level seminars will be held, while in the light of the details obtained for the improvement of the agricultural lands of Balochistan, it is proposed to hold a national-level seminar in Quetta, which will not only scale up production, but also enable population of low-yielding lands and vacant lands, thereby further enhancing the prosperity of settlers and farmers.

The team of experts also suggested developing research and development projects for land reclamation, land improvement for better productivity.

SAU Dean Dr Inayatullah Rajper

“We also need a detailed survey which will help us identify land capabilities, problems of each location and that. On the basis of this survey, we will carry out research-cum-development together through an exchange technical support between Pakistan and the GCC countries. The GCC countries are facing the same situation like Balochistan in their respective countries because of lack of water,” SAU Dean Dr Inayatullah Rajper

Experts who gave their input consisted of SAU Dean Dr Manzoor Ali Abro, Dr Zahoor Ahmed Soomro, Dr Shahnawaz Marri, Nabi Bux Jamro, Manzoor Ahmed Khuhro, Saeed Hyder Ghalo, Kaleemullah Sheikh and Dr Manzoor Ali Magsi.


SAU VC writes a letter

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